History of Our Lodge
Our humble beginning started in 1952, when Rev. Frank Rogers Jr. requested the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of the State of New York to warrant a lodge in Amityville. The request was granted by Most Worshipful Grand Master Louis Fair Jr.
District Deputy Grand Master Alvan Cook appointed Brother James I. Jones of Lebanon Lodge #54 to act as special deputy to organize a Lodge under dispensation.
Seven Prince Hall Masons were selected to sponsor the club; Rev. Frank Rogers, Brothers Rufus Devine, James Thomas, Steven Hunter, Donald Broadnacke, Past Masters Samuel Hubbard and Harvey Jones.
Our first meetings were held at Hollywood Baptist Church and later adopted the name for the lodge. We soon received a dispensation from the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge, giving us the power to work under a dispensation. The members at that time were; Joseph N. Ritchie, Vincent Best, Julius Collins, William Thoas, Marvin Griffin, Arthur Brinson, Julian Fleming, Fred Brown, Morgan Brewster, Milford Woods, Leroy Gardiner, and Calvin Cobb.
On December 5th, 1953 we received our charter from the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of the State of New York, Most Worshipful Arthur P. Giddings, presiding. We were now officially a part of the greatest fraternity known to mankind, who believe in a Sovereign Supreme being, a God who created the heavens and the earth and everything therein, and who "upholds all things by the power of His Word." A God who "laid the founations of the earth, and stretched out the heavens as a curtain." A God who "numbered the stars, and calleth them all by their names.' A God who "opens His hand, and satisfies the desire of every living thing.
The lodge was warranted as,
Hollywood Lodge #92.
The following officers were elected:
Joseph Ritchie...................Worshipful Master Milford Woods............................Treasurer
Vincent Best............................Senior Warden Arthur Brinson....................Senior Deacon
Julius Collins............................Junior Warden Fred Brown..........................Junior Deacon
William Thomas...............................Secretary Julian Fleming..............................
We gave our first social affair February 21, 1954 at Woods Hall. The affair was a success and the beginning of our building fund.
In December 1954, Vincent Best was elected Worshipful Master. This was an active year of traveling and visiting lodges. Hollywood Lodge was known throughout the state. At every meeting we had visiting Brothers from other Lodges. Their help and assistance over the years, we greatly appreciate.
In July 1955, Brother Hasgill reported, that the old fire house at Rosewood and Coolidge was vacant. The trustees were asked to invistigate the matter and report to the lodge. We met with the trustees of the old firehouse and made arrangements for the rental of the hall. In September 1955 the trustees decided to sell the firehouse. We called a special meeting and made plans to purchase the building. On December 4, 1955, the building was dedicated to the Glory of God and Prince Hall Masons. It was a great day, and a great stride for Hollywood Lodge. On March 16, 1956 we officially purchased the building. It was not much to look at, but to the Brothers it was a home.
Hollywood Lodge, because of its location has become the focal point of the Island, for District meetings, classes, and Grand Lodge Seminars. Hollywood Lodge has also had the distinct honor of having one of its members, Vincent E. Best, 33rd as Grand Master of the Most Worshipful Prince Hall Grand Lodge of the State of New York in the years of 1971 and 1972. We have Brothers who served the Grand lodge as Deputies, Trustees, and on many Committees.